Chatham, NY, is a diverse community: all socioeconomic circumstances, all educational attainments, all ways of earning a living, all ages. Chatham Democrats reflect that diversity.


Our Team

Chatham Dems Officers & Columbia County Democratic Committee (CCDC) Representatives from Chatham

  • Cindy Bobseine — Old Chatham

    Chatham Dems President and CCDC Representative

    I support the Democratic Party’s commitment to government that ensures a safe, inclusive, fair society where people’s rights are protected. I value the cultures and contributions to our society from people of all backgrounds and want immigration reform. I believe we will thrive when we have equal opportunities to access adequate housing, health care, education, employment, and a safe environment.

  • Teresa Nolan Barensfeld — Village of Chatham

    Chatham Dems Vice President and CCDC Representative

    Why I am a Democrat? Inclusiveness, diversity, racial justice, civil rights, voting rights, disability rights, women’s rights, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, affordable healthcare for all, a fair economy for everyone, fair housing, food security for all, equal opportunity for all, high-quality public education for all, and respect for knowledge and science. I believe we are put on this earth to care for one another.

  • Judi Matthews — Old Chatham

    Chatham Dems Treasurer and CCDC Representative

    I support the Democratic Party because I believe in fair, compassionate and inclusive government which includes progressive policies regarding protecting our environment, immigration reform, health care for all, fiscal reform and basic human rights.

  • Joanne Del Rossi — Village of Chatham

    Chatham Dems Chairperson and CCDC Representative

    As a lifelong Democrat, I advocate for principled leadership, economic fairness, environmental protection, healthcare and educational opportunities for all, and the protection of voting rights for all citizens.

  • Bart Thibadeau — Village of Chatham

    Chatham Dems Vice-Chairperson and CCDC Representative

    I am an active member of the Democratic Party because I believe that only the engaged participation of citizens can create a good government, one that is open, inclusive, well-organized and effective, and is the best vehicle for a community to make real its promises of economic, social and environmental justice.

  • Destiny Hallenbeck — Chatham Center

    CCDC Representative

    I support the Democratic Party because I believe everyone is entitled to equal rights and opportunities regardless of race, sex, religion, or sexual orientation. I am a proud to identify with a party that believes healthcare and education is a human right which should not be dependent on someone’s ability to pay.

  • Rick Werwaiss — North Chatham

    CCDC Representative

    I support the Democratic Party due to its inclusive, embracing, and caring attitude about people everywhere. I believe in basic human rights of democratic self-determination, education, health care and employment and that all governments should strive to ensure these rights for all.

  • Angus Eaton — Old Chatham

    CCDC Representative

    My family has had our land in Old Chatham since the nineteen-fifties. I moved here when I was about six months old. Growing up, I went to school in New Lebanon, where my parents were school teachers. I decided to get involved with the Chatham Democrats in the early nineties to become involved in the community. I have kept some level of involvement ever since, and it has been very good for me. Through the Chatham Democrats, I have met and am friendly with many people in the Town that I did not get to know because much of my social life was centered in New Lebanon. I value all of those people in different ways.

  • Other Members

    Gil Chichester - CCDC Representative

    Michael Richardson - CCDC Representative

    Betsy Winters Russell - CCDC Representative

    Elizabeth Slotter - Chatham Dems Secretary